Life in awareness is joy. We create our life through choices whether good or bad, conscious or unconscious. Why not choose consciously and create joy? The heart ~ mind connection seems so simple and it is once learned and lived.
Our hearts are our main connection to Source. The heart does not deceive, it is the center of our soulful selves. Human hearts all have the same thing in common; a desire for love, peace and acceptance. It is when the heart grows cold, that our humanity is lost and dark worlds can come about. We have seen this repeated in history and in current events. The heart will always find a solution if humanity keeps it open. As individuals we can choose to keep it open and connected to the mind for protection as we all have fragile hearts. The mind goes in many directions, but the heart has only one.
The mind directs our ego choices as our hearts keep us connected to the One in an aware and joyful life. This artful way of living can be learned and practiced, creating a more joyful and truly prosperous life. The brain is accepted as the center of logic and reason and the organ of learning and intelligence. But we are now becoming aware of a heart that also acts like a brain in a similar way, using intuitive and subconscious intelligence that we knew at first breath. A baby's brain is developing through experiences of the heart. Reasoning powers have not taken hold yet, but babies know who is safe for them and will respond positively to smiles, warm eye contact and sweet chatter. Imagine relating to a baby without eye contact, no smile and a rough voice. We know the result. Babies remind us that we all connected through heart. The Institute of HeartMath in Boulder Creek, California has been researching and documenting heart intelligence for over 15 years. We know about heart intelligence intuitively, but we lose this inner knowledge as we disconnect heart from brain, forgetting hearts value as we are programmed through man made systems to honor the reasoning and learning powers of the brain.
We must keep our brains sharp, but cold reason and fact accumulation alone is lacking for an evolving and ever growing human population. We already have a solution and we must remember our core and how we are truly connected.
The heart is the organ at the core of our being whose central physical purpose is to act as the pump providing life giving oxygen throughout every cell of our bodies. It is the spiritual center where we love, attract and make friends and come to know who we are as individuals. Its common purpose is to unite body, mind, soul and ultimately humanity. It has no ego. That happens in the mind when it is not connected to the heart. An open heart however, without a directing and logical mind will be vulnerable to wounds and exploitation. That is why heart and mind must be developed to work in unison.
The heart is the central station so to speak of the Hindu chakra system connecting the lower chakras of solar plexus, sacral and root chakras to the higher throat, third eye and crown chakras. Ancient wisdom is full of heart centered images and directives. It is not new, but we are understanding it and implementing heart intelligence with new awareness for more hectic modern times.
Through hypnotherapeutic techniques carefully developed, I help clients awaken to their powerful core using a simple system that is easy to duplicate through first exposure to it and then through repeating which creates a habit. This is self hypnosis and reprogramming.
Learning and practicing this technique awakens the soul and empowers in a lasting way that fosters an individual to easily flow with the current of life becoming aware of the magic within and support of Source, rather than resisting and falling into fear.
The heart ~ mind connection is a way of living that creates an easier and more profound route to knowing the self of best talents and strengthening relationship to others and the world.
Put your heart, mind and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
~Swami Sivananda