Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Feelings are important. Working to achieve "positive" feelings brings you to a more powerful energy. The laws of attraction work in conjunction with feelings. When an uncomfortable feeling is experienced, let your heart be the guide. What triggered it? Examine and accept. Turn to the feeling of peace and allowance. Think about how you want to feel and tell yourself you are starting to feel more relaxed and positive. You have the power to make it happen. Keep working at it until you create the feelings that make you feel more confident and self assured. Letting your emotions be subject to daily drama, you are giving up and giving in to circumstances beyond your control. Learn to use the power of your heart and logical mind to get in control of your feelings.

When the powerful emotions of loss and disappointment become overwhelming, this is the time to be "with" the feeling. It is part of the life experience. Love and loss go together. Love is the gift that never leaves, even if the loved one is gone. You own the experience of loving and you will experience the joy of love again in memory and with those still with you and those you have yet to meet. Understanding this you can allow the feelings of enrichment and joy that are a part of any love story. You attract love by being loving.

Prove to yourself that the emotions and feelings you want to experience can be practiced. Without being excessive, "fake it 'til you make it." Feeling good and happy attracts those emotions in others and then reinforces that feeling in yourself. The life you create, should be the life you want. Be willing to work through feelings to get to the place you want to be and attract all that you want. Nothing succeeds like success. When working through obstacles, keep the heart up and know in your mind that your are learning from the experience. Take the lesson in with joy and watch and see how what you really want keeps showing up in your life.

Expect the best for yourself and work towards that goal. Know that being the master of your emotions and feelings will keep you evolving to a level of joy that will grow ever stronger.

Most of life is easier and more logical than we are programmed to think. Observe how as you gain control the laws of attraction are working in your favor. Trust that you can never be overwhelmed by out of control emotions and learn to trust the wisdom of life. If you are here, you came from a long line of successes. The more you are willing to educate yourself about Source and your relationship to the Greater Energy, the lighter and more magical life becomes. Life is wise, but fragile.

Angels have wings because they take themselves lightly.

Know Source, Know Self. 

"Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself."
George Bernard Shaw

POWER OF WORDS...and some words to avoid.

We all know the power in words. It is the words we speak to ourselves though that matter most. Balance is always key to success. When you are winning, speed up and when your are losing, slow down. As you achieve, you become more confident and as confidence increases you achieve more. One goes with the other. When you find that things stop going your way, your ego may have tripped you up. Time to slow down and assess. If you feel you made an error in some way, its the way you talk to yourself about situations that really matters.

You are the one in control, but not so much for an absolute outcome. There are too many variables in life for winning all the time and nobody always wins. But you are always in control of how you are handling the obstacles that inevitably show up in life. Obstacles are merely mountains or molehills to sharpen your skills... to make you smarter, better. Acceptance is key in moving over obstacles and speaking to yourself in your adult voice for right solutions to appear.

What to say to your higher self when that demon of doubt or frustration starts to send you into that angry child we all have inside:

*I will find a way around this.
*I will overcome feelings of doubt and fear, as I am better than this.
*That job did not work out, but I know there is something else for me.
*The relationship ended, what can I learn from this.
*I know I deserve to be loved and to love.
*I have a unique gift and nobody is "me-er" than me.
*Whatever the problem, I know I can find or create a solution.
*The more I allow good feelings, the more I will attract what is good for me.
*Life is easy when I go with the flow.
*If I want a happy day, I need to give a smile.
*I know if I do my best, things will work out in ways that I can only imagine and doing
  my best, I will leave the details up to the Greater Power.

Empowering words are something you teach yourself when you decide to design your dream life. This kind of self talk becomes a habit and you will see the result. Test yourself with corrective adult self talk when the next stress or struggle seems to show up. Feelings are extremely important. Notice how you are changing the feeling inside to one of sadness, frustration, doubt, anger to acceptance, empowerment, calm and assurance. You are proving to yourself that you have this power of control. As in any discipline, practice is the key and the more you make logical adult self talk a habit, it will overtake you and you will become the master.

Test the process, do not "try" it. This is one of the words to eliminate from your vocabulary. Trying implies failing. Testing and working on a process just shows you how much more you have to learn and also how far you have come. Conscious engagement enables empowerment as you are involved in the process and are accepting of the result. Tell yourself (and others): I will 'work' to finish the project, I will do my best to clear my schedule to make the event. If you "try" to finish or "try" to make the event, you may fail. A powerful difference in the wording.

Expect good results, do not "hope" for things. Hope is not an action word. Eliminate this word from your self talk and general vocabulary. Working toward the result you desire and expecting the best outcome, your chances of the best result are heightened as you are in the moment, engaged and 'in action'.

Should is not a particularly friendly word to adults or children for that matter.  How do you feel when somebody, often in general conversation tells you that you "should" take this remedy, see this movie, go to this place. You know very well that you "should" do what you choose to do.  So "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and eliminate this word as a suggestion. 

Never and Always are words to avoid as time reveals to us.  We want to 'never' compromise ourselves for less than we deserve or 'always' do our best, but perfection is a process and never actualized.  We are human.

Just be conscious of when you slip and say: try, hope, should, never and always and you will experience an awakening to a crisper realization of self and other awareness.

As you master your self talk, you will have greater successes and much better communication with others. Self mastery is its own reward and it starts with how you treat and respect yourself and connect with your world as a whole.

"If the sun and moon were ever to doubt, it is likely they would surely go out"
William Blake

Monday, March 28, 2011



As a Hypnotherapist, I am always ready for the question: "Can any body be hypnotized?" Well here is the real scoop. EVERYBODY on planet earth has been hypnotized or programmed in one way or another. Your beliefs and MO (modus operandi) are all a part of your early programming, ie hypnosis. As an infant you come into the world fresh and sweet and ready to be programmed with information from parents, relatives, religious leaders, teachers, friends, TV, etc. Get the picture? A young child being nurtured by people and environment has no "filters". Filters start to kick in around 7 years of age when peers and self get a sense of right and wrong. By that time, much of the non-useful and mostly well intended programming and hypnotic suggestion has prescribed and described you.

As an adult, if you are observing your life as problematic, you have the choice to first accept the difficulty and then the opportunity to structure change. You can break out of bad habits formed by early non- useful programming. By observing and questioning messages of earlier years, you are starting to take adult responsibility for your choices and ultimately your success.

So here is some freeing information. As an adult, the only hypnosis is self-hypnosis. By choosing NOT to accept or believe this valuable information, you are limiting your own power and refusing to take on the adult role of accountability.


As a healthy adult, you are the one accepting suggestions. Working with a skilled facilitator, you take the responsibility for accepting the previously agreed upon "suggestions" in the pre-hypnotic discussion with the therapist. Working with a trusted and skilled practitioner is by far the most effective and valuable road to quick and lasting results. If you are unwilling or unable to find a person you feel comfortable with and would like to test your own skills, the method is fairly simple.

A voice other than your own, with positive affirmations used before you work these techniques, will put you in a space to receive yourself as leader and commander of your own life. A CD with a trusted soothing voice can suffice. This experience will not personalize the programming, but can assist you in confidence and self knowledge and will give you an insight into the process leading to a more confident decision should you choose to hire a hypno-therapist. The following techniques are to foster confidence and insight. Again, working with a successful and knowledgeable therapist is recommended as a skilled practitioner can get to the route of the problem in a way that the simple self-hypnosis techniques cannot. With most of my clients, I liken the non-useful early programming to a splinter in your finger. It is irritating and you can feel the pain, and it stays on your mind until it is removed. Easily removed, you move forward again until the next "splinter" shows up for removal. Like a splinter that stays imbedded, it can get infected and cause more serious problems. So paying attention to the the pain can reveal a way toward freedom and dream fulfillment as you become aware of what is holding you back and work to release limiting beliefs.


1) Get yourself into a comfortable position on a bed or couch with your legs elevated
slightly and your head elevated higher than when you go to sleep.

2) Put your right hand over your heart and your left hand over your solar plexis.

3) Observe your breathing and as you observe the breath observe also that your breath
is deepening and your body is relaxing.

4) Observe slowly each part of your body going from head to toe and allow relaxation to
occur just by noticing any areas of tension. Note these quietly and just let go.
Be aware of any thoughts that may come into your mind and allow them and let them go.
Know that you are in a safe place fully supported by the bed or couch you are reclining
on. Know too that your are safe with your own thoughts. Take notice also of the parts of your body that are retaining tension.

5) As you become relaxed and breathing continues to deepen, visualize what it is that you
want for yourself right now and accept that it is coming into fruition. Allow thoughts
that come into your mind to "be" and let go gently as you greet them. You are designing
YOUR vision in this hypnotic state between waking and sleeping where you are in complete
control. Should you fall asleep, accept it as this may happen at first, but your
dreams may become much more clear.

6) Be with your image for as long as you want and then keep it in your heart as you replay
the CD you have chosen with the trusted voice and positive affirmations.

Now empowered to conquer fears that may be a barrier to your dreams, you have taken steps toward the successes you know you deserve. Create habits that lead to success. This is the experience of self-hypnosis: creative, useful, empowered, connectedness. You are here to realize your dream, your Self.


Thursday, March 24, 2011



Do I lose control when in the hypnotic state?  

NO. This is discussed during the initial consultation. Nobody is ever out of control and can choose at any time to speak or relate a feeling. The process is interactive. I once viewed an actress during a staged hypnosis event behave like a chicken. She chose to participate and accept that role or "suggestion". She was acting and fully aware and in acceptance of her need to put on a show. This type of "staging" is only for theatre and has nothing to do with therapeutic technique.

What exactly is the "hypnotic state"?

During hypnosis, you are in a state of awareness between sleep and wakefulness. It is that state of consciousness just before you fall asleep where you can be placed and kept for a time for the allowance of agreed upon suggestions to be assimilated. You have experienced self induced hypnosis without being aware of this many times. An example is when driving on a freeway and you get caught up in your thoughts and find you have missed an exit. You are fully aware and in control of your driving, but your thoughts have taken over the need to exit. You become aware again with a realization and this will probably not happen for some time because you became aware of it.

Can anybody be hypnotized?

In reference to the above explanation on self induced hypnotic state, yes anybody can achieve this state and many of us do frequently. Anybody who chooses can be induced into hypnosis for useful purpose. Having a mindset of fear and mistrust about the process will create a barrier that may be transcended with the cooperation of the mind. The purpose of hypnosis is actually reprogramming for beneficial results. Clarity and empowerment rather than immobility and fear are the desired and expected outcome. Persons who achieve the success they expect have transcended the non-useful programming that all humans have been subject to. Trust is incorporated through the conversation period and then through an extremely pleasant progressive relaxation technique that most people fine euphoric.

Does Hypnosis work?  

This, the most common question I have left last purposely.  Having read any of the above should take you to the conclusion that yes it does and IS the best method for transformation. Everyone is a product of early hypnosis with programming from unapproved sources, you now have the choice to master your own life using the tool that accesses the subconscious with YOU in the driver's seat. 

Helen Keller



The first step is a free 1/2 hour consultation to assess if we are good candidates for working together. The process is explained and any questions handled. It is the initial step into the comfort zone for the client, and for me as an assurance that results can be achieved. We will conduct a simple session so that you get a feel for the process. If we determine a full session is in order, you will be sent an agreement form to sign and return before the start of the first session.

Also, a handwriting sample must be sent along. Handwriting tells me a lot about how to work with you and will reveal some aspects of your thoughts that may be holding you back. Handwriting is an ideo-motor response (directly from the brain).

The first session may take up to 90 minutes. It is necessary to get to the core of what you are really needing. Follow-up sessions if needed are usually around an hour. You are charged by the session, not by the hour as time is relative and results are the purpose of the sessions. My expertise allows me to get to the heart of your request and reveal to you a direct route to an outcome because your mind is cleared of any debris that is impeding your progress.

"Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right." Henry Ford

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really Love." Rumi


Hypno-Coaching is a combined use of hypnotherapy and personal development coaching created to facilitate progressive transformation with minimal sessions and lasting results.
My specialized technique in hypno-coaching was developed, honed and improved over many years of practice. It is a direct entry into the mind for clearing, centering and change. This is an extraordinarily comfortable, safe, relaxing and empowering modality for permanent evolution into the life of your desires. This work can be done over the phone, through skype or in person.

The full session includes evaluation of what I call your DNAprint. Observing body language and "ab" reactions (body's response to a mental stimuli),  along with brief personal history and  handwriting analysis, the client is evaluated as to basic personality characteristics and suggestibility profile.  From this we work on the holistic heart/mind connection. Your life experience started at birth with an energy particular only to you. Therefore you possess gifts and talents unique only to well as challenges. This is your True Gift from Source. Your early programming likely interfered with the natural talents that are the genius within you. The clients I work with come to understand this and are eager to uncover the True Self which is the path to Enlightenment, Joyfulness, Fulfillment and Sharing: Soul, Spirit, Physical Comfort, Relationship.  This is the "4 ways of Abundance". Success is the word used to describe this state of higher awareness and is the natural outcome of understanding and employing the techniques as habit on a daily basis. The technique I developed is the BOTS (tm) system and when made a habit, transforms beyond your dreams because YOU have chosen to step into your greater potential.

We are all here to serve one another. Joy is meant to be shared. The true joy is that of being in one's place of True Self. Living life in a joyful state is shared naturally as your good feelings are transmitted to others. Once received, joyful energy bounces back.  One session with a knowledgeable, experienced and successful coach is priceless to those who have chosen to access personal empowerment. Taking action with your full participation is guaranteed to astound and enlighten your senses and allow you to feel alive in a way that may be quite new to you. One of my sessions can achieve this. Follow up sessions are available, but often needed only sparingly as I teach you to capitalize on your own power.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...its is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us....your playing small does not serve the world. You were born to manifest the glory that is within you." Marianne Williamson




The term "hypnosis" was coined in the 19th century by James Braid, M.D. from Scotland based on his observations, but goes back further to Franz Mesmer (from which the term "mesmerized" is derived). Mesmer noticed that health had an unusual relationship to thoughts and universal force. Further back, early Greek literature refers to "trance states". More recently in the 1960's, Dr. Milton Erikson moved the practice forward and into the mainstream with his successes in the field. When John Kappas, PhD, founder of Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, Californina, video recorded hypnotherapy sessions, his genius demonstrated the outstanding result and assured and certified Hypnotherapy as the most useful and necessary element for successful change.


The myth and mystery surrounding hypnosis can easily be eradicated. The state of hypnosis is simply mind condition similar to that between waking and sleeping. You are not fully awake, yet in control and not asleep. It is the state where the sub-conscious can be accessed and "reprogrammed". In the early years of a life, conditioning and programming occurred as a result of environment and information entered a youthful subconscious without any "filters". As one matures, much of the early programming may no longer be useful and is often destructive to well being and an obstacle to full success. Through hypnosis, the subconscious reprogramming is done with agreement of a mature individual now made aware of the "filters".  Mind "viruses", those destructive subconscious beliefs, can be cleansed and a refreshed and more logical mind is enabled. The client now learns control of the mind leading to a subconscious that serves rather than represses.

In the care of an experienced and skilled practitioner, a client has the best and most remarkable real opportunity for change and success. As with any attempt at transformation, it is ultimately the responsibility of the individual to participate fully in the process. First a conversation between the therapist and client clarifies the intent and agreed upon suggestions are determined and utilized during the hypnotic session. Since trust has been established, any discomfort can be communicated though discomfort is often the direct route to awareness and release from limiting habits and beliefs. Now feeling secure, the client can feel assured that hypnosis has been established as safe, necessary and useful modality for permanent change.