Hypno-Coaching is a combined use of hypnotherapy and personal development coaching created to facilitate progressive transformation with minimal sessions and lasting results.
My specialized technique in hypno-coaching was developed, honed and improved over many years of practice. It is a direct entry into the mind for clearing, centering and change. This is an extraordinarily comfortable, safe, relaxing and empowering modality for permanent evolution into the life of your desires. This work can be done over the phone, through skype or in person.
The full session includes evaluation of what I call your DNAprint. Observing body language and "ab" reactions (body's response to a mental stimuli), along with brief personal history and handwriting analysis, the client is evaluated as to basic personality characteristics and suggestibility profile. From this we work on the holistic heart/mind connection. Your life experience started at birth with an energy particular only to you. Therefore you possess gifts and talents unique only to you...as well as challenges. This is your True Gift from Source. Your early programming likely interfered with the natural talents that are the genius within you. The clients I work with come to understand this and are eager to uncover the True Self which is the path to Enlightenment, Joyfulness, Fulfillment and Sharing: Soul, Spirit, Physical Comfort, Relationship. This is the "4 ways of Abundance". Success is the word used to describe this state of higher awareness and is the natural outcome of understanding and employing the techniques as habit on a daily basis. The technique I developed is the BOTS (tm) system and when made a habit, transforms beyond your dreams because YOU have chosen to step into your greater potential.
We are all here to serve one another. Joy is meant to be shared. The true joy is that of being in one's place of True Self. Living life in a joyful state is shared naturally as your good feelings are transmitted to others. Once received, joyful energy bounces back. One session with a knowledgeable, experienced and successful coach is priceless to those who have chosen to access personal empowerment. Taking action with your full participation is guaranteed to astound and enlighten your senses and allow you to feel alive in a way that may be quite new to you. One of my sessions can achieve this. Follow up sessions are available, but often needed only sparingly as I teach you to capitalize on your own power.
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...its is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us....your playing small does not serve the world. You were born to manifest the glory that is within you." Marianne Williamson
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