Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Slow down for a moment and imagine time stopping.  Be silent for a minute or two and you are bound to notice that time did not stop, you did.  Consider now that time is an illusion and that the "churning of events" is what we often refer to as time.  But time is a constant eternal present.  The sun rises and sets daily and in a few billion years will burn out and collapse into a black hole.  Events transpire all in the Eternal Present.

The beauty of this little meditation is the grasp of reality one can muster taking the "time" to accept the concept.  The great masters of Buddhism understood the real sense of this and related that "time is an illusion".  At first it may seem counter intuitive.  We all have watches after all.  But "playing" with the concept and considering it deeply for a period, will enlighten to a place where time becomes an ally because the illusion is broken and empowerment begins.  "Controlling" or "managing" time starts to reveal itself as foolish and mundane.

The empowerment arises when one realizes that within the totality of existence,  you are the chooser on how you work or create within your own experience.  When you learn to value your own experience over time, time itself tends to disappear.  You become one with the present, the eternal present and your relationship to time shifts to you being the master and time, the servant or ally.

Once the illusion of time is understood, the magic happens.  Those who would teach or accept time management as a useful way to live are honoring the world in all its madness of deadlines, need to do, and slavery to a system that has a basis in linear structure.  Living this way, time is short and suddenly you may come to a point in life where you wonder where time has gone.  It is doubtful you will have these thoughts if you come to see your life as an experience in which you are fully present.  You then see and experience all as a part of just being, living fully, connected to a whole that is much larger than the linear time clocks of structured society.  You claim your existence separate yet within the structure, choosing from a soulful Self the best way for you to align with time.

Now this may seem difficult to grasp at first, but taking steps to engage the system of allowing self and detachment from time will transform fairly easily relative to your resistance level.  If you have always been resistant to change, the process of course will take longer.  A person who engages in life
with more of a flow will grasp more easily.

Simply test the idea.  Start the day telling yourself, (programming yourself) that you will experience time the way the sun moves around the planet, slowly, but with absolute determination and ownership.  You will get everything completed that needs to be completed.  We often put more upon ourselves than is necessary and then proclaim that we "just don't have the time".  You have the same amount of time that anybody has, it's just how you choose to use your time that is so important.  As with anything in re-programming, allow the process to unfold.  You become expert at what you do daily and with greatest attention.  As the process moves forward, you will begin to notice that time does become an illusion or at least has taken its place in perspective.  You will notice that you are more calm, and have the feeling of confidence building as you realized you are in control of life more than you ever imagined.  This can be your freeing dance with reality rather than continuing as the slave to time you allowed in the past.  Making this a habit replaces the stress you have submitted to in your previous life.

Good habits can replace non-useful behavior and put you in the role of victor vs. victim.  Believe that you can conquer the idea that time has power over you and repeat the behavior of a confident person who knows that time works with you and is an ally that allows you to be your best and most confident and evolved self.

What is time? If no asks me, I know what it is.  If I wish to explain, I do not know.
~St Augustine 

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