Universal Law is is a priori; that is, it is present whether or not we are aware of it. It came before us and will stay in place after we are gone. In metaphysics, we speak of the "Laws of Attraction." Many refer to it and many more books are written about it. The laws work for everybody and you can get dangerously caught up in over analyzing or listening and reading about others' experiences. The laws are universal, but your experience is as unique as you are.
"Vedic knowledge is lost because it is so subtle." John Hagelin, PhD
Here I will attempt to explain simply and teach an easy method for practice. Keep in mind this wise statement when performing the tasks to understanding these laws: "If there is something that I want that I do not have, then there is something I do not know."
After years of working with clients as a personal coach/hypnotherapist, I developed and taught a simple method that can be applied to approaching life's questions and problems. The "BOTS" system: (Breathe, Observe, Test, Share) offers a path to peace, satisfaction and progress and can be applied to any situation.
So using this system, lets see how it applies to the Laws of Attraction. Pay attention to the word "attraction" and understand how little real effort is applied to what you want. If you can trust that you "don't always get what you want, but you get what you need"...(can you hear Mick singing?) then life will hand right to you what you need. Key of course is alignment and integrity with wants and needs.
"Quantum physics can ease the ground of our being." Amit Goswami, PhD
Do you desire a million dollars? Well the Universe is not about to plop it right down on your bank account just because you have some deep desire and are playing around with a misunderstanding of the 'Laws'. Visualization is but a small part of attracting your desires. Action and planning must be put into place once the desire is determined. But know that the Universe is extraordinarily generous and there are really no barriers to creating the life you desire. Action is the best teacher, but desire implies something outside yourself. So the first step obviously if you have not figured it out yet is connecting with yourself, who you really are, and what your soul is speaking to you about. There are lots of ways to "get" things, but we are discussing here, the Universal Laws of Attraction; easily attracting into your life what brings you true joy.
Many are bound and determined to "desire" what popular culture says we need. We are seduced daily by advertising, media, social technology ....and by our friends and acquaintances. We can allow ourselves to believe that what they have or dangle before us is what we want. Once caught in this trap, it can be a real challenge to escape back into yourself and your own confidence and self acceptance. That is if you were ever there in the first place. Early programmers can do a good job excavating your mind and programming with a lot of non-useful information. And we all must learn to overcome the faulty programming of early experience.
So using the Law of Attraction is nothing more than really understanding that life works for you, not against you. Trust that this is true; you can test it later after completing the first two steps of the BOTS system. First, just breathe. Concentrating on the breath allows the body to relax and notice this as you observe your breathing. You are now connecting more deeply with the self...maybe for the first time. Allow yourself to just BE. Being what you want strengthens the attracter force. Imagining a loving relationship coming your way or the one you are in, growing more in love, then practice being a better partner. As you are performing your daily tasks, be conscious of what you are doing and what thoughts come into your head. As you practice this, you can feel yourself becoming more in tune and this is when the magic starts to happen. Look for the clues; they are everywhere. You get things done more efficiently and with more time to spare as what is unimportant starts to take its proper place. You find yourself attracting what you are becoming.
So as you breathe and connect, consciously observe the changes taking place within you and around you. Notice how you have become more calm (or scattered as the case may be when you are learning) attracting more of what you are yourself. Stepping back to observe your situation, you must take responsibility to what and where you have brought yourself. Detach and observe, but don' t blame or judge too harshly as this is not a good use of your energy.
Now time for your first test. Is it working so far? Do you feel better? Feeling light and happy attracts the same and soon it becomes a habit. If you prefer gloomy, you will attract that as well. There is plenty to go around. Keep breathing to know self, observing the outcome and soon you will see that you have tested something that does work. If you just calmly trust life and Universal "Knowing", you will eliminate the struggle that may have gripped you in the past. You are now free to apply your new knowledge and be an example to others. Example is the best teacher and when you are sharing in this way, you are of course reinforcing your own knowledge.
"When I teach, I learn." ~Unknown
As you empower yourself, your outlook will change. Others will notice your confidence and well being and may start to be uplifted as well. When you share the best of yourself, you are a natural magnet for more of the same. Keep sharing.
"The secret of creation is containment." Fred Alan Wolf, PhD
So lets use an example for practice. You want a new relationship or to improve the one you have. Breathe it in and commit to the desire. Tell yourself the Truth. See where you need to improve. Observe the outcome. Things are getting better as you improve, as you improve, you attract success in small ways. Success breeds confidence, you are attracting more of the same. You are observing this on a daily basis and naturally sharing with those connecting in your sphere. Making this your daily practice and commitment, your actual desire may change and your awakening could attract something quite unexpected and often superseding the original desire. Allow all your experiences to strengthen you and expect that you will continue in your joy and that you will attract exactly what you need. Observe the outcome, take mental notes and before you realize your own power, life will begin to stream easily.
"Vibration is Life; you create a relationship within your vibration." Dr. Masaru Emoto
Getting what you want suddenly becomes trite as you realize the Laws of Attraction are actually more powerful and useful than a blind desire. The greatest misconception is that "getting" what you want in life is difficult as you come to understand attracting vs. "getting". After you grasp the simplicity of the Laws of Attraction, you will have opened a door that will never close as long as you commit to the steps and take responsibility.
Gandhi advises, "Be the change you want to see in the world." The Laws of Attraction agree; be more of what you expect.
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