"Know thyself". Socratic ancient wisdom, simply stated, is the formula for success in all areas of life. Interestingly most wisdom is ancient. Humans seem to have figured it out thousands of years ago. The bigger question is why are so many still so confused? The obvious answer is, if the information is not given by your nurturers, then you have to figure it out for yourself. Many do not consider that there may be more to learn than what you are taught. For those in places of distress about success, relationship, and money, the big three areas if concern, the answer is again ancient: Look Inward.
The reality of you is that you have arrived here against all odds. Think of the forces that worked to favor your birth and entry into life. Evolution, conquest of disease and hardship by your forebears, the "coincidental" meeting of your parents and all the many things that could have been in place to thwart your arrival and special place on the planet. YOU are part of something Great and that is supported by fact. You may be stuck and not realize the importance of your being, and that is only supported by illusion.
Real success comes first through self acceptance and matures through to self love. A being can exude an illusion of success with personal wealth, a fine position and a respectable family and group of apparently supportive friends and acquaintances. But true success is felt within. Can you have success without feeling happy? No, that is not true accomplishment and those that create the illusion of success and happiness without really feeling it are living to please an idea and not connected with Self and Life as a truly engaged experience.
So logically, "to know you is to love you" is a truthful statement. Taking time to look into your soul, your experiences and your accomplishments will allow you to see through the veils of illusion into the real of You. It is worth your time and energy to start this and to practice on a daily basis. You will discover that your "mistakes" were just part of the growing process and the "not really knowing" process. Misjudgements or "mistakes" are just stepping stones toward becoming the best you. These "mistakes" are your greatest opportunities for learning. If you come to understand your life in this way, you are empowering yourself through true knowledge which is experience. No teacher can be better than this. Uplifted from the bonds of ignorance you are also more understanding of others and will likely find yourself in the company of those who are also in a better place as the darker souls with less courage fall away from your life.
As with any success in life, the act of courage is the first requirement. The noblest act of courage is the willingness to face yourself and your shortcomings, but more importantly your talents. How often is it the case where one was never told of her gifts at an early age and therefore it was left up to you to learn for yourself what gifts you brought into the world! This is the usual scenario for most of us as many parents see more of themselves in their children than reality warrants. And many may see parts of themselves that they spend more time addressing than the true talents of their children that lie waiting to be expressed. That was then and this is now. You alone have responsibility for ferreting out your best gifts and talents so that you can perfect them and return them as gifts. That is truly why you, evolving through eons, came to be.
As you may have guessed, they key to an evolving self is to do what you love. You are honoring yourself and the Greater source you evolved from to be involved in what you love. If you are working at a job to pay bills, accepting a role prescribed by society, not challenging anything in your life and not doing as a part of your routine something related to your talents, you are surely wasting the most important part of your life. If you have a hobby you love and spend time working or playing at this interest, this is the joy you give back to the world, even if nobody or very few people know about it. Love is a vibration and the joy in your time spent doing something you love or gives you pleasure becomes part of the universal energy. How personal energy is spent does affect universal energy.
As Dr. Goswami reveals, "Vibration is Life." The ultimate of course is to be paid to do something you love and you have nothing limiting you from working toward that vision if that is a vision in the back of your mind.
Attending to your life and hobbies with Excellence will reveal the best you. This is your challenge and the more you work to meet it, the closer you will become to realizing your best and truest self.... and the happier you will be. Take up the challenge and you will quickly come to realize that you are worth knowing and the more you know about the soulful you, the easier it is to forgive yourself....and others. Move forward with this idea and engage in useful and joyful activities.
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Your actions will delineate and define you."
~Thomas Jefferson
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