There are many cliche's about fear; Fear = "False Evidence Appearing Real", "Fear is the opposite of Love", "The only thing to fear is fear itself". Going to the core and Truth of "fear" is the known fact that a baby fears only two things: loud noises and falling. So we were all babies at the beginning. Comfort from Mother and family were the core of our earliest memory. So how did we learn to fear? Just the way we learn most things, we are taught to fear. Loving parents project their own fears unconsciously on to their children and thus we all learn to fear. Though we may have developed different phobias, the anxiety level of our own fear is directly proportional to that of our parents.
As adults, it is our responsibility to handle our phobias and move forward. The first step is to observe the fear as it happens. As an example, fear of heights may seem irrational if one has never had an accident due to falling from a high place. But that experience is within each of us. Every baby falls. The seconds it takes to hit the ground produces the place of "knowing" resulting in the success of experiencing you are OK and will move forward again. Loud noises as well produce uncertainty and we are concerned until the source is uncovered. The lesson is that fear is a "feeling" that may or may not be rational.
Fear thus can be defined as "unknowing". Taken in steps, each fear can be conquered. The key is in facing the elements of unknowing. Your most important relationship is with yourself and what gives you anxiety defines or frees you. A common fear is that of spiders. In deconstructing the fear, decide on the rational. If you live where there a poisonous spiders, the fear is rational. You must learn to identify where these poisonous pests reside and educate yourself on how to avoid them. Black widow spiders are common in many areas, but rarely show themselves and are easily identified. Common house spiders invoke irrational fear as they are relatively harmless, at most causing a painful bite. Seeing a spider on the wall at night can cause anxiety as you may imagine them crawling around as you sleep. Realizing that the sightings are rare, you can sleep easy knowing you can dispatch the pest to the next life before you sleep or you can stare at it fearing to take action and turn out the light. Choosing the latter reaction, you increase your anxiety and diminish your confidence in handling the situation. If you fall asleep and awaken to a light on and a blank wall where the spider first appeared, your imagination may go into overdrive and your fears will not be quelled until you take action a learn how to stand up to a spider.
Another common fear is that of being alone. This fear stems from a confused relationship with yourself. Building a solid relationship with self must involve daily practice of working through issues that may evoke feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Working through feelings on your own will clarify their origins and enhance confidence as you conquer fear and trust in your ability to disable feelings that bring you downward rather than elevate your mood. The acceptance and understanding of self that working through feelings produces, builds confidence and thus a comforting sense that you are enough as you are ... and "as you are" continuously changes. Growth occurs through progressive change. Fear of being alone will soon disappear as you attract experiences and relationships through centering and accepting the self. Know that all is as it should be right now and dwelling on what you think it should be is counterproductive. Be and accept. Let go of desire as you fill the moments with doing what you enjoy, even if that is nothing for a time. The paradox of knowing self is quietly doing while staying aware and not getting lost in "have to be".
Fear can be framed as a paralytic thought stored in the subconscious which limits, or as a series of challenges that you overcome on your road to self-realization. Again choice and courage are key to a fulfilled and empowered life. Once you put into practice the simple techniques, your habit is one of facing the unknown, therefore building your confidence with knowledge. Successes are achieved with small steps and useful choices become a habit as the results produce feelings of confidence and freedom.
Addressing common questions and offering insight into the most powerful and effective tool for transformation~
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Slow down for a moment and imagine time stopping. Be silent for a minute or two and you are bound to notice that time did not stop, you did. Consider now that time is an illusion and that the "churning of events" is what we often refer to as time. But time is a constant eternal present. The sun rises and sets daily and in a few billion years will burn out and collapse into a black hole. Events transpire all in the Eternal Present.
The beauty of this little meditation is the grasp of reality one can muster taking the "time" to accept the concept. The great masters of Buddhism understood the real sense of this and related that "time is an illusion". At first it may seem counter intuitive. We all have watches after all. But "playing" with the concept and considering it deeply for a period, will enlighten to a place where time becomes an ally because the illusion is broken and empowerment begins. "Controlling" or "managing" time starts to reveal itself as foolish and mundane.
The empowerment arises when one realizes that within the totality of existence, you are the chooser on how you work or create within your own experience. When you learn to value your own experience over time, time itself tends to disappear. You become one with the present, the eternal present and your relationship to time shifts to you being the master and time, the servant or ally.
Once the illusion of time is understood, the magic happens. Those who would teach or accept time management as a useful way to live are honoring the world in all its madness of deadlines, need to do, and slavery to a system that has a basis in linear structure. Living this way, time is short and suddenly you may come to a point in life where you wonder where time has gone. It is doubtful you will have these thoughts if you come to see your life as an experience in which you are fully present. You then see and experience all as a part of just being, living fully, connected to a whole that is much larger than the linear time clocks of structured society. You claim your existence separate yet within the structure, choosing from a soulful Self the best way for you to align with time.
Now this may seem difficult to grasp at first, but taking steps to engage the system of allowing self and detachment from time will transform fairly easily relative to your resistance level. If you have always been resistant to change, the process of course will take longer. A person who engages in life
with more of a flow will grasp more easily.
Simply test the idea. Start the day telling yourself, (programming yourself) that you will experience time the way the sun moves around the planet, slowly, but with absolute determination and ownership. You will get everything completed that needs to be completed. We often put more upon ourselves than is necessary and then proclaim that we "just don't have the time". You have the same amount of time that anybody has, it's just how you choose to use your time that is so important. As with anything in re-programming, allow the process to unfold. You become expert at what you do daily and with greatest attention. As the process moves forward, you will begin to notice that time does become an illusion or at least has taken its place in perspective. You will notice that you are more calm, and have the feeling of confidence building as you realized you are in control of life more than you ever imagined. This can be your freeing dance with reality rather than continuing as the slave to time you allowed in the past. Making this a habit replaces the stress you have submitted to in your previous life.
Good habits can replace non-useful behavior and put you in the role of victor vs. victim. Believe that you can conquer the idea that time has power over you and repeat the behavior of a confident person who knows that time works with you and is an ally that allows you to be your best and most confident and evolved self.
What is time? If no asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain, I do not know.
~St Augustine
The beauty of this little meditation is the grasp of reality one can muster taking the "time" to accept the concept. The great masters of Buddhism understood the real sense of this and related that "time is an illusion". At first it may seem counter intuitive. We all have watches after all. But "playing" with the concept and considering it deeply for a period, will enlighten to a place where time becomes an ally because the illusion is broken and empowerment begins. "Controlling" or "managing" time starts to reveal itself as foolish and mundane.
The empowerment arises when one realizes that within the totality of existence, you are the chooser on how you work or create within your own experience. When you learn to value your own experience over time, time itself tends to disappear. You become one with the present, the eternal present and your relationship to time shifts to you being the master and time, the servant or ally.
Once the illusion of time is understood, the magic happens. Those who would teach or accept time management as a useful way to live are honoring the world in all its madness of deadlines, need to do, and slavery to a system that has a basis in linear structure. Living this way, time is short and suddenly you may come to a point in life where you wonder where time has gone. It is doubtful you will have these thoughts if you come to see your life as an experience in which you are fully present. You then see and experience all as a part of just being, living fully, connected to a whole that is much larger than the linear time clocks of structured society. You claim your existence separate yet within the structure, choosing from a soulful Self the best way for you to align with time.
Now this may seem difficult to grasp at first, but taking steps to engage the system of allowing self and detachment from time will transform fairly easily relative to your resistance level. If you have always been resistant to change, the process of course will take longer. A person who engages in life
with more of a flow will grasp more easily.
Simply test the idea. Start the day telling yourself, (programming yourself) that you will experience time the way the sun moves around the planet, slowly, but with absolute determination and ownership. You will get everything completed that needs to be completed. We often put more upon ourselves than is necessary and then proclaim that we "just don't have the time". You have the same amount of time that anybody has, it's just how you choose to use your time that is so important. As with anything in re-programming, allow the process to unfold. You become expert at what you do daily and with greatest attention. As the process moves forward, you will begin to notice that time does become an illusion or at least has taken its place in perspective. You will notice that you are more calm, and have the feeling of confidence building as you realized you are in control of life more than you ever imagined. This can be your freeing dance with reality rather than continuing as the slave to time you allowed in the past. Making this a habit replaces the stress you have submitted to in your previous life.
Good habits can replace non-useful behavior and put you in the role of victor vs. victim. Believe that you can conquer the idea that time has power over you and repeat the behavior of a confident person who knows that time works with you and is an ally that allows you to be your best and most confident and evolved self.
What is time? If no asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain, I do not know.
~St Augustine
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Anybody who has suffered from chronic fatigue appreciates the value of a good night's rest when it comes along. Contributing to feelings of well being and mood elevation, all goes better after deep rest. Lack of deep rest can lead to depression, weight gain, accidents and confusion. It is as necessary as proper diet and exercise for total health. Rest and sleep cannot be taken for granted. It is something you deserve and should demand for yourself. In the stressful over stimulated world that surrounds us, you can be hypnotically drawn into accepting the stimulus, and never allowing retreat from noise and distraction. It is up to you to figure out a way and routine that allows a daily shelter or withdrawal from daily pressure. Balance is key to a happy life. Being over stimulated when you need sleep most, actually contributes to the circle of anxiety making deep rest even more elusive. To restore balance, the following techniques will help. As you take control of your waking life, you must take control of your rest.
Dreams happen as a result of one of the stages of sleep that allows your mind to release thoughts and energy. Just as your body releases waste, dreams do the same to help you clear your mind. All of the body processes including digestion are happening as you sleep. Fatigue stresses digestion and deep sleep allows the body to metabolize more easily. Both a clear mind and rested and restored body will lead to weight loss if caloric intake and exercise are also in balance. High calorie comfort foods are craved and mindlessly introduced into your body when fatigued. As children, we naturally went into deep sleep. As adults, most of us have to relearn how to do this. Imagine every day followed by a deep restful night's sleep.
Decide for yourself you will enjoy a night of deep rest rewarded by an energetic joyful day to follow.
Helpful tips:
** Exercise at least 40 minutes a day. Move in some meaningful way. You can do this. Just dancing to music will do the job. Walking is the easiest and can be done just walking through the mall. It burns calories, releases stress, and allows the mind to "download". Go either by yourself or with a companion that will not talk about the day's problems or goings on. Walking in Nature will release tension and stress 100 fold. Go with a not too chatty friend or by yourself for the best results.
** Learn to eat by consuming the highest carbohydrates and protein meals earliest in the day. Eliminate sugar from you diet as much as possible. Read labels and create a diet mostly free of processed foods. Eat lighter as the day wears on and no coffee/caffeine beverages or excessive alcohol after about 6pm. A small glass of wine or beer before bedtime can assist you to relax. Fruit or lightly dressed salad are good snacks a few hours before bedtime and help with digestion. High calcium and magnesium foods: milk, soy milk or almond milk will soothe as calcium and magnesium act to relax the nervous system. Tryptophan works when your stomach is nearly empty: so a light snack of these tryptophan containing foods will help; almonds, turkey, warm milk.
** Minimize sugar intake and be sure to have a protein snack in the afternoon to keep the blood sugar from dropping. Afternoon fatigue leads to your craving for comfort foods, carbs, and caffeine which will affect the natural cycle and can lead to restlessness and interrupted sleep patterns.
*** A perfect before bedtime snack: Oatmeal (rich source of sleep inviting melatonin) with banana (contains some melatonin, serotonin, magnesium) and warm milk (calcium rich and contains some tryptophan).
** Observe your breath and breathing throughout the day as this will center you and set the stage for relaxation and balance while oxygenating the brain as breath deepens.
** Prepare for sleep with as much care as you prepare for meals.
> Take time away from stimulating TV and electronics.
> A warm bath always helps.
> Keep your sleeping space uncluttered and never bring work to bed.
> Try sleep CD's with calming music created to program the mind into quiet.
> Take a calcium/magnesium supplement, a natural relaxant for the nervous system
with almond or soy milk.
> Use natural relaxants: calming teas (such as chamomile), valerian root,
caffeine-free aspirin or baby aspirin if your system tolerates it.
The mind body connection is key to balance in weight as in all aspects of living.
Consciously planning and structuring for success, educate yourself about nutrition and what works best for your body. Taking the leadership role and responsibility for your results insures your brain is engaged fully in the process. This is key! Make a decision about your ideal weight and assure yourself that you are capable of achieving your goal. Back up your goal and vision with action. Much information is available for consumption, but keep in mind the four necessary steps: excellent nutrition, burning calories by body movement with a program you enjoy, engage the mind for results and success programming yourself for deep restful sleep. Attention to the first three is likely to insure the last. Finally a visual affirmation before rest and a smile of assurance will bring your dreams, waking and sleeping, closer to where you want them to be.
So as you lie down to sleep, observe your breathing by concentrating on heart observing the breath (Test this now!), it naturally deepens. Then scan your body from head to toe, allowing each area to peacefully relax. Let thoughts flow and let go. You are re-teaching yourself something you knew as a child, to let go into deep relaxing sleep.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"Know thyself". Socratic ancient wisdom, simply stated, is the formula for success in all areas of life. Interestingly most wisdom is ancient. Humans seem to have figured it out thousands of years ago. The bigger question is why are so many still so confused? The obvious answer is, if the information is not given by your nurturers, then you have to figure it out for yourself. Many do not consider that there may be more to learn than what you are taught. For those in places of distress about success, relationship, and money, the big three areas if concern, the answer is again ancient: Look Inward.
The reality of you is that you have arrived here against all odds. Think of the forces that worked to favor your birth and entry into life. Evolution, conquest of disease and hardship by your forebears, the "coincidental" meeting of your parents and all the many things that could have been in place to thwart your arrival and special place on the planet. YOU are part of something Great and that is supported by fact. You may be stuck and not realize the importance of your being, and that is only supported by illusion.
Real success comes first through self acceptance and matures through to self love. A being can exude an illusion of success with personal wealth, a fine position and a respectable family and group of apparently supportive friends and acquaintances. But true success is felt within. Can you have success without feeling happy? No, that is not true accomplishment and those that create the illusion of success and happiness without really feeling it are living to please an idea and not connected with Self and Life as a truly engaged experience.
So logically, "to know you is to love you" is a truthful statement. Taking time to look into your soul, your experiences and your accomplishments will allow you to see through the veils of illusion into the real of You. It is worth your time and energy to start this and to practice on a daily basis. You will discover that your "mistakes" were just part of the growing process and the "not really knowing" process. Misjudgements or "mistakes" are just stepping stones toward becoming the best you. These "mistakes" are your greatest opportunities for learning. If you come to understand your life in this way, you are empowering yourself through true knowledge which is experience. No teacher can be better than this. Uplifted from the bonds of ignorance you are also more understanding of others and will likely find yourself in the company of those who are also in a better place as the darker souls with less courage fall away from your life.
As with any success in life, the act of courage is the first requirement. The noblest act of courage is the willingness to face yourself and your shortcomings, but more importantly your talents. How often is it the case where one was never told of her gifts at an early age and therefore it was left up to you to learn for yourself what gifts you brought into the world! This is the usual scenario for most of us as many parents see more of themselves in their children than reality warrants. And many may see parts of themselves that they spend more time addressing than the true talents of their children that lie waiting to be expressed. That was then and this is now. You alone have responsibility for ferreting out your best gifts and talents so that you can perfect them and return them as gifts. That is truly why you, evolving through eons, came to be.
As you may have guessed, they key to an evolving self is to do what you love. You are honoring yourself and the Greater source you evolved from to be involved in what you love. If you are working at a job to pay bills, accepting a role prescribed by society, not challenging anything in your life and not doing as a part of your routine something related to your talents, you are surely wasting the most important part of your life. If you have a hobby you love and spend time working or playing at this interest, this is the joy you give back to the world, even if nobody or very few people know about it. Love is a vibration and the joy in your time spent doing something you love or gives you pleasure becomes part of the universal energy. How personal energy is spent does affect universal energy.
As Dr. Goswami reveals, "Vibration is Life." The ultimate of course is to be paid to do something you love and you have nothing limiting you from working toward that vision if that is a vision in the back of your mind.
Attending to your life and hobbies with Excellence will reveal the best you. This is your challenge and the more you work to meet it, the closer you will become to realizing your best and truest self.... and the happier you will be. Take up the challenge and you will quickly come to realize that you are worth knowing and the more you know about the soulful you, the easier it is to forgive yourself....and others. Move forward with this idea and engage in useful and joyful activities.
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Your actions will delineate and define you."
~Thomas Jefferson
The reality of you is that you have arrived here against all odds. Think of the forces that worked to favor your birth and entry into life. Evolution, conquest of disease and hardship by your forebears, the "coincidental" meeting of your parents and all the many things that could have been in place to thwart your arrival and special place on the planet. YOU are part of something Great and that is supported by fact. You may be stuck and not realize the importance of your being, and that is only supported by illusion.
Real success comes first through self acceptance and matures through to self love. A being can exude an illusion of success with personal wealth, a fine position and a respectable family and group of apparently supportive friends and acquaintances. But true success is felt within. Can you have success without feeling happy? No, that is not true accomplishment and those that create the illusion of success and happiness without really feeling it are living to please an idea and not connected with Self and Life as a truly engaged experience.
So logically, "to know you is to love you" is a truthful statement. Taking time to look into your soul, your experiences and your accomplishments will allow you to see through the veils of illusion into the real of You. It is worth your time and energy to start this and to practice on a daily basis. You will discover that your "mistakes" were just part of the growing process and the "not really knowing" process. Misjudgements or "mistakes" are just stepping stones toward becoming the best you. These "mistakes" are your greatest opportunities for learning. If you come to understand your life in this way, you are empowering yourself through true knowledge which is experience. No teacher can be better than this. Uplifted from the bonds of ignorance you are also more understanding of others and will likely find yourself in the company of those who are also in a better place as the darker souls with less courage fall away from your life.
As with any success in life, the act of courage is the first requirement. The noblest act of courage is the willingness to face yourself and your shortcomings, but more importantly your talents. How often is it the case where one was never told of her gifts at an early age and therefore it was left up to you to learn for yourself what gifts you brought into the world! This is the usual scenario for most of us as many parents see more of themselves in their children than reality warrants. And many may see parts of themselves that they spend more time addressing than the true talents of their children that lie waiting to be expressed. That was then and this is now. You alone have responsibility for ferreting out your best gifts and talents so that you can perfect them and return them as gifts. That is truly why you, evolving through eons, came to be.
As you may have guessed, they key to an evolving self is to do what you love. You are honoring yourself and the Greater source you evolved from to be involved in what you love. If you are working at a job to pay bills, accepting a role prescribed by society, not challenging anything in your life and not doing as a part of your routine something related to your talents, you are surely wasting the most important part of your life. If you have a hobby you love and spend time working or playing at this interest, this is the joy you give back to the world, even if nobody or very few people know about it. Love is a vibration and the joy in your time spent doing something you love or gives you pleasure becomes part of the universal energy. How personal energy is spent does affect universal energy.
As Dr. Goswami reveals, "Vibration is Life." The ultimate of course is to be paid to do something you love and you have nothing limiting you from working toward that vision if that is a vision in the back of your mind.
Attending to your life and hobbies with Excellence will reveal the best you. This is your challenge and the more you work to meet it, the closer you will become to realizing your best and truest self.... and the happier you will be. Take up the challenge and you will quickly come to realize that you are worth knowing and the more you know about the soulful you, the easier it is to forgive yourself....and others. Move forward with this idea and engage in useful and joyful activities.
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Your actions will delineate and define you."
~Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
For the many frustrated with the desire to drop pounds, relax and just breathe a bit while you read this. Take a breath!
There now. If you are still reading, you may have noticed a sense in that moment of acceptance. The first step with any goal is to first accept where you are and allow your mind to view the situation objectively. You have the responsibility for your own health and weight balance, but just allow yourself the time to reflect on your journey a moment. There are three main reasons outside of calorie intake and output that may be contributing greatly to weight gain.
Reason #1 STRESS: Pressured with day to day obligations of work and family you may be medicating yourself with comfort foods you subconsciously crave as a result of the stress. In response to the poorer or absence of any nutritive value of these foods, stress only increases and the non-useful responses feed one another. Sleep is disrupted or not experienced fully allowing the body to de-stress into its natural state of deep relaxation leading to the deep sleep needed to promote body processes and complete metabolism. As stressful behavior continues, even with a fairly balanced diet, the cycle continues and you are unable to experience life to its fullest offering with this destructive cycle. You may also notice that the people closest to you also have weight out of balance, subconsciously reinforcing the mindful elements that are keeping all stuck in the cycle. This is the group effect and acceptance of stress as a reality. Be the leader in your group and practice a new way of living and thinking. Mountains are conquered with single steps.
"Problems are not solved with the same thinking that created them." Albert Einstein
Reason #2 HORMONAL IMBALANCE Stress can also be the cause of hormonal imbalance and you may be able to naturally get back into better balance through diet, exercise and stress release. You may need to talk to your health care professional about this, but remember that healthy habits are your responsibility. Choosing to be a conscious practitioner and partner with your doctor regarding your health will insure the best outcome.
Reason #3 LAZY MIND This may be very hard for those not willing to exercise the mind as well as the body to understand the power of mind in all you do. The overload we have today of technology, cell phones, smart phones, magnified TV, internet can program and control you in ways you do not notice or just take for granted. You are plugged in and cannot get free of mind numbing habits that disempower you rendering you a robot of your own non-useful habits. Examining each aspect of your life and committing to improve on every level is actually a mental exercise that will burn calories. Stay a robot to your schedule and beliefs and nothing will improve, but change which is constant will continue. You will change for the worse. You have the power of your own mind and its your responsibility to use it wisely. Wisdom grows from a well fed mind. A well fed mind knows how to feed a body. Repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome is a form of insanity.
In observing the growing obesity problem, I know very well that these people are not eating as much as it would appear. The problem is the inability to take control of the mind. Empowerment is the outcome when one chooses to commit. Refusing the responsibility of your own thoughts causes stress. It is much easier to be conscious once you get into practice. Turn off the TV, cell phone, internet or at least be aware that media is in the market of selling to you; and often selling you what you do not need. Figure out for yourself what lies you are being told and what lies you are telling yourself. The new term Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) describes that we are disconnected from our Source. Decide to connect with Nature at some level each day. Observe a flower, look at the night sky, take a walk and feel the air; then realize that in the scheme of things there is a Great Power that you have access to moment by moment.
The solutions for dropping pounds are within your control and involve these very simple observations. You can start today to take control and build the confidence of a successful person in control of her own weight. Take the steps to de-stress, commit to empowering your own mind, stop plugging in endlessly to technology, be aware of your hormone balance, rest well, eat wisely, investigate reality and start to tell yourself the truth, spend time in Nature, spend some time alone.
As your spirit is empowered and lifted, your increasing inner beauty will show on the outside and you will return to the beautiful child of the Universe you were meant to be.
Know who you are, feed the flower.
Boldness has Genius Power and magic in it. When one definitely commits, then Providence moves too. ~~Goethe
There now. If you are still reading, you may have noticed a sense in that moment of acceptance. The first step with any goal is to first accept where you are and allow your mind to view the situation objectively. You have the responsibility for your own health and weight balance, but just allow yourself the time to reflect on your journey a moment. There are three main reasons outside of calorie intake and output that may be contributing greatly to weight gain.
Reason #1 STRESS: Pressured with day to day obligations of work and family you may be medicating yourself with comfort foods you subconsciously crave as a result of the stress. In response to the poorer or absence of any nutritive value of these foods, stress only increases and the non-useful responses feed one another. Sleep is disrupted or not experienced fully allowing the body to de-stress into its natural state of deep relaxation leading to the deep sleep needed to promote body processes and complete metabolism. As stressful behavior continues, even with a fairly balanced diet, the cycle continues and you are unable to experience life to its fullest offering with this destructive cycle. You may also notice that the people closest to you also have weight out of balance, subconsciously reinforcing the mindful elements that are keeping all stuck in the cycle. This is the group effect and acceptance of stress as a reality. Be the leader in your group and practice a new way of living and thinking. Mountains are conquered with single steps.
"Problems are not solved with the same thinking that created them." Albert Einstein
Reason #2 HORMONAL IMBALANCE Stress can also be the cause of hormonal imbalance and you may be able to naturally get back into better balance through diet, exercise and stress release. You may need to talk to your health care professional about this, but remember that healthy habits are your responsibility. Choosing to be a conscious practitioner and partner with your doctor regarding your health will insure the best outcome.
Reason #3 LAZY MIND This may be very hard for those not willing to exercise the mind as well as the body to understand the power of mind in all you do. The overload we have today of technology, cell phones, smart phones, magnified TV, internet can program and control you in ways you do not notice or just take for granted. You are plugged in and cannot get free of mind numbing habits that disempower you rendering you a robot of your own non-useful habits. Examining each aspect of your life and committing to improve on every level is actually a mental exercise that will burn calories. Stay a robot to your schedule and beliefs and nothing will improve, but change which is constant will continue. You will change for the worse. You have the power of your own mind and its your responsibility to use it wisely. Wisdom grows from a well fed mind. A well fed mind knows how to feed a body. Repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome is a form of insanity.
In observing the growing obesity problem, I know very well that these people are not eating as much as it would appear. The problem is the inability to take control of the mind. Empowerment is the outcome when one chooses to commit. Refusing the responsibility of your own thoughts causes stress. It is much easier to be conscious once you get into practice. Turn off the TV, cell phone, internet or at least be aware that media is in the market of selling to you; and often selling you what you do not need. Figure out for yourself what lies you are being told and what lies you are telling yourself. The new term Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) describes that we are disconnected from our Source. Decide to connect with Nature at some level each day. Observe a flower, look at the night sky, take a walk and feel the air; then realize that in the scheme of things there is a Great Power that you have access to moment by moment.
The solutions for dropping pounds are within your control and involve these very simple observations. You can start today to take control and build the confidence of a successful person in control of her own weight. Take the steps to de-stress, commit to empowering your own mind, stop plugging in endlessly to technology, be aware of your hormone balance, rest well, eat wisely, investigate reality and start to tell yourself the truth, spend time in Nature, spend some time alone.
As your spirit is empowered and lifted, your increasing inner beauty will show on the outside and you will return to the beautiful child of the Universe you were meant to be.
Know who you are, feed the flower.
Boldness has Genius Power and magic in it. When one definitely commits, then Providence moves too. ~~Goethe
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Universal Law is is a priori; that is, it is present whether or not we are aware of it. It came before us and will stay in place after we are gone. In metaphysics, we speak of the "Laws of Attraction." Many refer to it and many more books are written about it. The laws work for everybody and you can get dangerously caught up in over analyzing or listening and reading about others' experiences. The laws are universal, but your experience is as unique as you are.
"Vedic knowledge is lost because it is so subtle." John Hagelin, PhD
Here I will attempt to explain simply and teach an easy method for practice. Keep in mind this wise statement when performing the tasks to understanding these laws: "If there is something that I want that I do not have, then there is something I do not know."
After years of working with clients as a personal coach/hypnotherapist, I developed and taught a simple method that can be applied to approaching life's questions and problems. The "BOTS" system: (Breathe, Observe, Test, Share) offers a path to peace, satisfaction and progress and can be applied to any situation.
So using this system, lets see how it applies to the Laws of Attraction. Pay attention to the word "attraction" and understand how little real effort is applied to what you want. If you can trust that you "don't always get what you want, but you get what you need"...(can you hear Mick singing?) then life will hand right to you what you need. Key of course is alignment and integrity with wants and needs.
"Quantum physics can ease the ground of our being." Amit Goswami, PhD
Do you desire a million dollars? Well the Universe is not about to plop it right down on your bank account just because you have some deep desire and are playing around with a misunderstanding of the 'Laws'. Visualization is but a small part of attracting your desires. Action and planning must be put into place once the desire is determined. But know that the Universe is extraordinarily generous and there are really no barriers to creating the life you desire. Action is the best teacher, but desire implies something outside yourself. So the first step obviously if you have not figured it out yet is connecting with yourself, who you really are, and what your soul is speaking to you about. There are lots of ways to "get" things, but we are discussing here, the Universal Laws of Attraction; easily attracting into your life what brings you true joy.
Many are bound and determined to "desire" what popular culture says we need. We are seduced daily by advertising, media, social technology ....and by our friends and acquaintances. We can allow ourselves to believe that what they have or dangle before us is what we want. Once caught in this trap, it can be a real challenge to escape back into yourself and your own confidence and self acceptance. That is if you were ever there in the first place. Early programmers can do a good job excavating your mind and programming with a lot of non-useful information. And we all must learn to overcome the faulty programming of early experience.
So using the Law of Attraction is nothing more than really understanding that life works for you, not against you. Trust that this is true; you can test it later after completing the first two steps of the BOTS system. First, just breathe. Concentrating on the breath allows the body to relax and notice this as you observe your breathing. You are now connecting more deeply with the self...maybe for the first time. Allow yourself to just BE. Being what you want strengthens the attracter force. Imagining a loving relationship coming your way or the one you are in, growing more in love, then practice being a better partner. As you are performing your daily tasks, be conscious of what you are doing and what thoughts come into your head. As you practice this, you can feel yourself becoming more in tune and this is when the magic starts to happen. Look for the clues; they are everywhere. You get things done more efficiently and with more time to spare as what is unimportant starts to take its proper place. You find yourself attracting what you are becoming.
So as you breathe and connect, consciously observe the changes taking place within you and around you. Notice how you have become more calm (or scattered as the case may be when you are learning) attracting more of what you are yourself. Stepping back to observe your situation, you must take responsibility to what and where you have brought yourself. Detach and observe, but don' t blame or judge too harshly as this is not a good use of your energy.
Now time for your first test. Is it working so far? Do you feel better? Feeling light and happy attracts the same and soon it becomes a habit. If you prefer gloomy, you will attract that as well. There is plenty to go around. Keep breathing to know self, observing the outcome and soon you will see that you have tested something that does work. If you just calmly trust life and Universal "Knowing", you will eliminate the struggle that may have gripped you in the past. You are now free to apply your new knowledge and be an example to others. Example is the best teacher and when you are sharing in this way, you are of course reinforcing your own knowledge.
"When I teach, I learn." ~Unknown
As you empower yourself, your outlook will change. Others will notice your confidence and well being and may start to be uplifted as well. When you share the best of yourself, you are a natural magnet for more of the same. Keep sharing.
"The secret of creation is containment." Fred Alan Wolf, PhD
So lets use an example for practice. You want a new relationship or to improve the one you have. Breathe it in and commit to the desire. Tell yourself the Truth. See where you need to improve. Observe the outcome. Things are getting better as you improve, as you improve, you attract success in small ways. Success breeds confidence, you are attracting more of the same. You are observing this on a daily basis and naturally sharing with those connecting in your sphere. Making this your daily practice and commitment, your actual desire may change and your awakening could attract something quite unexpected and often superseding the original desire. Allow all your experiences to strengthen you and expect that you will continue in your joy and that you will attract exactly what you need. Observe the outcome, take mental notes and before you realize your own power, life will begin to stream easily.
"Vibration is Life; you create a relationship within your vibration." Dr. Masaru Emoto
Getting what you want suddenly becomes trite as you realize the Laws of Attraction are actually more powerful and useful than a blind desire. The greatest misconception is that "getting" what you want in life is difficult as you come to understand attracting vs. "getting". After you grasp the simplicity of the Laws of Attraction, you will have opened a door that will never close as long as you commit to the steps and take responsibility.
Gandhi advises, "Be the change you want to see in the world." The Laws of Attraction agree; be more of what you expect.
"Vedic knowledge is lost because it is so subtle." John Hagelin, PhD
Here I will attempt to explain simply and teach an easy method for practice. Keep in mind this wise statement when performing the tasks to understanding these laws: "If there is something that I want that I do not have, then there is something I do not know."
After years of working with clients as a personal coach/hypnotherapist, I developed and taught a simple method that can be applied to approaching life's questions and problems. The "BOTS" system: (Breathe, Observe, Test, Share) offers a path to peace, satisfaction and progress and can be applied to any situation.
So using this system, lets see how it applies to the Laws of Attraction. Pay attention to the word "attraction" and understand how little real effort is applied to what you want. If you can trust that you "don't always get what you want, but you get what you need"...(can you hear Mick singing?) then life will hand right to you what you need. Key of course is alignment and integrity with wants and needs.
"Quantum physics can ease the ground of our being." Amit Goswami, PhD
Do you desire a million dollars? Well the Universe is not about to plop it right down on your bank account just because you have some deep desire and are playing around with a misunderstanding of the 'Laws'. Visualization is but a small part of attracting your desires. Action and planning must be put into place once the desire is determined. But know that the Universe is extraordinarily generous and there are really no barriers to creating the life you desire. Action is the best teacher, but desire implies something outside yourself. So the first step obviously if you have not figured it out yet is connecting with yourself, who you really are, and what your soul is speaking to you about. There are lots of ways to "get" things, but we are discussing here, the Universal Laws of Attraction; easily attracting into your life what brings you true joy.
Many are bound and determined to "desire" what popular culture says we need. We are seduced daily by advertising, media, social technology ....and by our friends and acquaintances. We can allow ourselves to believe that what they have or dangle before us is what we want. Once caught in this trap, it can be a real challenge to escape back into yourself and your own confidence and self acceptance. That is if you were ever there in the first place. Early programmers can do a good job excavating your mind and programming with a lot of non-useful information. And we all must learn to overcome the faulty programming of early experience.
So using the Law of Attraction is nothing more than really understanding that life works for you, not against you. Trust that this is true; you can test it later after completing the first two steps of the BOTS system. First, just breathe. Concentrating on the breath allows the body to relax and notice this as you observe your breathing. You are now connecting more deeply with the self...maybe for the first time. Allow yourself to just BE. Being what you want strengthens the attracter force. Imagining a loving relationship coming your way or the one you are in, growing more in love, then practice being a better partner. As you are performing your daily tasks, be conscious of what you are doing and what thoughts come into your head. As you practice this, you can feel yourself becoming more in tune and this is when the magic starts to happen. Look for the clues; they are everywhere. You get things done more efficiently and with more time to spare as what is unimportant starts to take its proper place. You find yourself attracting what you are becoming.
So as you breathe and connect, consciously observe the changes taking place within you and around you. Notice how you have become more calm (or scattered as the case may be when you are learning) attracting more of what you are yourself. Stepping back to observe your situation, you must take responsibility to what and where you have brought yourself. Detach and observe, but don' t blame or judge too harshly as this is not a good use of your energy.
Now time for your first test. Is it working so far? Do you feel better? Feeling light and happy attracts the same and soon it becomes a habit. If you prefer gloomy, you will attract that as well. There is plenty to go around. Keep breathing to know self, observing the outcome and soon you will see that you have tested something that does work. If you just calmly trust life and Universal "Knowing", you will eliminate the struggle that may have gripped you in the past. You are now free to apply your new knowledge and be an example to others. Example is the best teacher and when you are sharing in this way, you are of course reinforcing your own knowledge.
"When I teach, I learn." ~Unknown
As you empower yourself, your outlook will change. Others will notice your confidence and well being and may start to be uplifted as well. When you share the best of yourself, you are a natural magnet for more of the same. Keep sharing.
"The secret of creation is containment." Fred Alan Wolf, PhD
So lets use an example for practice. You want a new relationship or to improve the one you have. Breathe it in and commit to the desire. Tell yourself the Truth. See where you need to improve. Observe the outcome. Things are getting better as you improve, as you improve, you attract success in small ways. Success breeds confidence, you are attracting more of the same. You are observing this on a daily basis and naturally sharing with those connecting in your sphere. Making this your daily practice and commitment, your actual desire may change and your awakening could attract something quite unexpected and often superseding the original desire. Allow all your experiences to strengthen you and expect that you will continue in your joy and that you will attract exactly what you need. Observe the outcome, take mental notes and before you realize your own power, life will begin to stream easily.
"Vibration is Life; you create a relationship within your vibration." Dr. Masaru Emoto
Getting what you want suddenly becomes trite as you realize the Laws of Attraction are actually more powerful and useful than a blind desire. The greatest misconception is that "getting" what you want in life is difficult as you come to understand attracting vs. "getting". After you grasp the simplicity of the Laws of Attraction, you will have opened a door that will never close as long as you commit to the steps and take responsibility.
Gandhi advises, "Be the change you want to see in the world." The Laws of Attraction agree; be more of what you expect.
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